Department of Neurosurgery
Dr. Albert E. Telfeian Ranked in Top 5 Most Productive Authors in Full-Endoscopic Spine Surgery Field

In an article titled “Worldwide research productivity in the field of full‑endoscopic spine surgery: a bibliometric study” by Guang-Xun Lin et al., Dr. Albert Telfeian, Professor of Neurosurgery and Director of the Center for Minimally Invasive Endoscopic Spine Surgery at Rhode Island Hospital, was ranked in the Top 5 most productive authors in the full-endoscopic spinal surgery field worldwide, and Number 1 in the United States. The purpose of the article is to “investigate the quantity and quality of articles in the field of full-endoscopic spine surgery (FESS) from different countries and assess characteristics of worldwide research productivity”.
Original Article: European Spine Journal