Department of Neurosurgery

Your Health: Warwick Baby Undergoes Life Changing Surgery

“WARWICK, R.I. (WLNE–TV)— Grayson Tibbetts is your typical two year old boy.

‘He’s a happy, crazy little guy. He’s fun loving,’ said Stew Tibbetts, Grayson’s Dad.

Looking at him now you’d never know the Warwick toddler once had a misshapen head caused by premature fusing of the bones in his skull…

The traditional corrective surgery is very extensive and requires an incision from ear to ear over the top of the skull. But there’s another less invasive option, an endoscopic procedure, that’s being done at Hasbro Children’s Hospital…

Dr. Woo and his partner, Dr. Petra Klinge, the Director of Pediatric Neurosurgery at Hasbro, examined Gray and determined he was a perfect candidate. A few weeks later an operating room was booked.”

Read the Full Story:Your Health: Warwick Baby Undergoes Life Changing Surgery


Petra M. Klinge, MD, PhD

Professor of Neurosurgery
Director, Pediatric Neurosurgery Division
Director, Center for Surgical Treatment of the Developing Brain and Spine