The Pain Was Unbearable; Would Spinal Surgery Fix It?
“The patient is scared.
He’s in the preoperative room at Roger Williams Hospital, about to have a major back operation. The surgery will be next to the spinal cord and his mind will linger on the risks. Could a slip cause paralysis? Failure leaves him in chronic pain?…
A doctor friend advised him to find someone with a balance between caution and courage – the reluctance to avoid too many interventions, but the confidence to be courageous when necessary.
The patient chose Dr. Prakash Sampath, a Providence neurosurgeon with an exceptional reputation,…
I am writing this now because the operation took place about a decade ago.
Since then I have no more pain or restrictions.
I suspect it is unusual for patients to tell a surgeon years later how much they have changed their lives.
With this article I want to thank Dr. Prakash Sampath.”
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