Department of Neurosurgery


The Pain Was Unbearable; Would Spinal Surgery Fix It?

“The patient is scared.

He’s in the preoperative room at Roger Williams Hospital, about to have a major back operation. The surgery will be next to the spinal cord and his mind will linger on the risks. Could a slip cause paralysis? Failure leaves him in chronic pain?…

A doctor friend advised him to find someone with a balance between caution and courage – the reluctance to avoid too many interventions, but the confidence to be courageous when necessary.

The patient chose Dr. Prakash Sampath, a Providence neurosurgeon with an exceptional reputation,…

I am writing this now because the operation took place about a decade ago.

Since then I have no more pain or restrictions.

I suspect it is unusual for patients to tell a surgeon years later how much they have changed their lives.

With this article I want to thank Dr. Prakash Sampath.”

Read the Full Story Here


Prakash Sampath, MD

Associate Professor of Neurosurgery
Director, Robotic Neurosurgery
Director, Brain Immunotherapy Program
Director, Neurosurgery at Roger Williams Medical Center