The Restorative Neuroscience Laboratory is dedicated to restoring nervous system function after injury, disease, and degeneration. Our interdisciplinary research combines cutting-edge techniques in neurophysiology, cellular and molecular biology, and neuroengineering in animal models and patient-derived samples and data to advance our understanding of the mechanisms underlying abnormal nervous system function, with the goal of translating these findings into new treatments for affected patients.
Our Team
Eric Teboul, Ph.D.
Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Anna Kimata, Sc.B.
M.D./Ph.D. Student, Brown Medical School
Collin Brown, B.S.
Research Assistant and Lab Manager
Carl Porto, B.A.
Medical Student, Brown Medical School
Derrick Chatad, B.S.
Visiting Medical Student, SUNY Downstate Health Sciences University
Basic studies
Multi-timescale reinforcement learning in the brain.
Masset P, Tano P, Kim HR, Malik AN, Pouget A, Uchida N.
bioRxiv. 2023.
A Unified Framework for Dopamine Signals across Timescales.
Kim HR*, Malik AN*, Mikhael JG, Bech P, Tsutsui-Kimura I, Sun F, Zhang Y, Li Y, Watabe-Uchida M, Gershman SJ, Uchida N.
Cell. 2020.
Genome-wide identification and characterization of functional neuronal activity-dependent enhancers.
Malik AN*, Vierbuchen T*, Hemberg M, Rubin AA, Ling E, Couch CH, Stroud H, Spiegel I, Farh KK, Harmin DA, Greenberg ME.
Nature Neuroscience. 2014.
Clinical studies
Robot-assisted, CT-guided placement of responsive neurostimulator system with bilateral centromedian thalamus depth electrodes for multifocal intractable epilepsy.
Abdulrazeq H, Feler J, Kimata AR, Asaad WF, Malik AN.
Neurosurgical Focus Video. 2024.
Exploring the Role of the Pulvinar Nucleus of the Thalamus in Occipital Lobe Epilepsy: A Case Report.
Abdulrazeq H, Kimata AR, Blum A, Malik AN, Asaad WF.
Cureus. 2024.
Al-Zahrawi (936-1013 AD): On the Surgical Treatment of Neurological Disorders by the Father of Operative Surgery.
Abdulrazeq HF, Ali R, Najib H, Doberstein C, Oyelese A, Gokaslan Z, Malik AN, Asaad WF, Greenblatt S.
World Neurosurgery. 2024.
Contact Information
We are recruiting talented staff scientists, post-doctoral fellows, students, and research assistants to join our team!If interested, please send CV and references to

Restorative Neuroscience Laboratory / Malik Lab
55 Claverick Street
Rooms 331-337
Providence, RI 02903