Syndromic craniosynostosis describes a situation in which one or more growth plates in the skull have fused abnormally because of a genetic abnormality. A number of disorders have been associated with head shape abnormalities, including Crouzon, Apert, Pfeiffer, Muenke, Saethre-Chotzen, and Carpenter syndromes.
Children with syndromic craniosynostosis typically have more severe deformities of the head, often affecting more than one suture. They may also be at greater risk of increased pressure on the brain, exposure or injury to the eyes, and may have other congenital malformations. Syndromic patients may need to be treated differently than other infants with craniosynostosis, sometimes with more advanced techniques or a combination of surgical procedures.

Comprehensive Care Center
Treatment for syndromic patients is sometimes performed as early as 6 weeks of age and can require more than one procedure. The Craniofacial Team specializes in the care of complex craniosynostosis patients and offers traditional open cranial reconstruction, early suture release, distraction osteogenesis, and even endoscopic techniques to achieve the best possible result.
Team Care
We strongly believe that the best treatment for children with craniofacial abnormalities is with a team approach. We pride ourselves on the fact that every procedure is performed by expert neurosurgeons and plastic surgeons, who work together to deliver the best care for your child. Other specialists on the team are available to assist in management of the airway, vision, feeding, development, and any other issues that might arise.
Most importantly, safety is of the utmost importance to our doctors. Our team is proud of their outstanding safety record, which is among the best in the country.
Our Team
Neuroplastic Center
593 Eddy Street
Providence, RI 02903
Phone: (401) 444-3457
Fax: (401) 444-2788