Before and after: See how ChatGPT helped local doctors make medical forms easier to understand

Credit: Matthew J. Lee/Globe Staff
“It’s something all future doctors learn in medical school: how to communicate informed consent to patients. Yet medical forms are littered with impenetrable jargon, making it hard for lay people to understand exactly what they’re signing up for.
Dr. Rohaid Ali, a neurosurgery resident at Brown University in Providence grew fed up with the forms and enlisted ChatGPT, a language model-based chatbot developed by OpenAI, to help translate them into regular English.
Working with colleagues at Brown, Massachusetts General Hospital, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, and others, Ali collected medical consent forms from hospitals across the country, pasted them into GPT-4, the latest public version of the program, and prompted it to create simplified versions. Fellow medical professionals and medical malpractice attorneys reviewed the results to judge whether the content remained legally and medically accurate. The researchers posted their results, which are under peer review at a medical journal, to the medical preprint database”
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